Porin kansainvälinen koiranäyttely 26.-27.7.2025

in English

Welcome to Pori International Dog Show 26.-27.7.2025

International (CACIB) All Breed Dog Show
On Saturday 26.7. FCI groups 2, 3, 5, 7, 8
On Sunday 27.7. FCI groups 1, 4, 6, 9, 10
Also Junior handler competition on Sunday.

Address: Porin Ravirata, Ravintie 1, 28130 Pori


By signing the entry form the exhibitor guarantees to obey the valid Show Regulations and Vaccination Instructions of the Finnish Kennel Club.

Closing dates for entries are 26.5./23.6./30.6.
Only online entries are accepted during the last entry week (24.-30.6.)
See entry fees.

On-line entry : www.showlink.fi -> ONLINE ENTRY

When you enter your dog via the Showlink online entry, the entry fee will be paid with credit card (or via web bank, if you are a resident in Finland). Please DO NOT pay in advance. You will have a confirmation email sent by online system within an hour after succesful entry. If you don’t get email then please contact Showlink for more information: info@showlink.fi

Entry fees

Entry fees until 26.5.2025
1st dog 41 €, 2nd etc. dog of the same owner 35 € 
puppies and veterans 35 €
veterans over 10 years old 20 €
Finnish Breeds ( Finnish Lapponian Dog, Karelian Bear Dog, Lapponian Herder, Finnish Spitz, Finnish Hound ) 20 €
Junior Handler 15 € (On Sunday)

Entry fees 27.5.-23.6.2025
1st dog 47 €, 2nd etc. dog of the same owner 41 € 
puppies and veterans 41 €
veterans over 10 years old 20 €
Finnish Breeds ( Finnish Lapponian Dog, Karelian Bear Dog, Lapponian Herder, Finnish Spitz, Finnish Hound ) 20 €
Junior Handler 15 € (on Sunday)

Entry fees 24.-30.6.2025 (only online-entry)
60€ / dog 
Junior Handler 15 € (on Sunday)

Payments from abroad, if entry is sent by post: 
Pori KV 2025
IBAN FI70 5700 9540 0324 25
Reference 1818

Entry by post:
Use Finnish Kennel Club’s entry form and send your entries to the address:
Pori KV 2025
Ylikyläntie 18
28220 Pori

Information about entries in English
info(at)showlink.fi or +358 9 8873 0320

Please note!
The copy or receipt of the payment must be enclosed with the entry forms. Entry forms without a copy of the receipt attached will be returned!

To enter in championclass a championship certificate is needed.
To enter in working class a WCC (working class certificate) is needed.
If mentioned certificates are missing, the dog will be automatically entered in ”Open Class”. Please, send copies to info@showlink.fi before entry time is closed, with show and dog’s information, if copies are not attached to entry form or online-entry.

All the dogs that are participating at the show must be identified by a microchip or clearly readable tattoo. Microchip must be in accordance with ISO 11784/11785 Standard.

Cropped and docked dogs
Cropped and docked dogs are not allowed to participate shows held in Finland.

Vaccination instructions for the Show
The show is subject to the vaccination directions approved by the Finnish Kennel Club. The organizers are obliged to inspect vaccination certificates for all dogs taking part.
Please, check the custom regulations for importing dogs to Finland. Check also your own country’s regulations when turning back.

The Anti-Doping rules concern all the shows, trials and tests approved by the Finnish Kennel Club. Visit also www.kennelliitto.fi for current information.