Siirry sisältöön


Show schedules published 12.7.2024

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RING 1    
Erika Häkkinen 55  
Spanish Greyhound 4 09.00
Hungarian Greyhound 17  
Borzoi 34 10.15
- puppies 1  
- dogs 14  
- bitches  19  
Anne Mette Mikkelsen, Norway 23  
#Whippet (Puppies) 6 12.15
Greyhound 17  
RING 2    
Agnese Della Rocca, Italy 91  
Trainee Judge: Helin Jaana, Afghan Hound    
Afghan Hound 29 09.00
Saluki 62 10.45
- puppies 2  
- dogs 29  
- bitches  31 12.30
RING 3    
Olaf Knauber, Germany 86  
Azawakh 7 09.00
Irish Wolfhound 32  
- puppies 1  
- dogs 14  
- bitches  17  
Italian Greyhound 31 11.15
- puppies 3  
- dogs 11  
- bitches  17  
Deerhound 16 13.15
RING 4    
Costanza Mozzillo, Italy 68  
Cirneco dell'Etna 21 09.00
Pharaoh Hound 22 10.15
Ibizan Podenco, Rough-haired 6  
Ibizan Podenco, Smooth-haired 13 12.00
Sloughi 6  
RING 5    
Branislav Rajic, Slovenia 85  
Polish Greyhound 26 09.00
Portuguese Podengo, Long- and Wire-haired, Medium-sized 6 10.30
Portuguese Podengo, Long- and Wire-haired, Small 7  
Portuguese Podengo, Smooth- and Short-haired, Small 2  
Basenji 44 11.30
- puppies 12  
- dogs 12  
- bitches  20 13.00
RING 6    
Knut Blütecher, Norway 94  
Whippet (no puppies) 94 09.00
- dogs 41  
- bitches  53 11.30